Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 12, 2015

9 sample source code for all programmers

Most of programmers will feel that using the other's code is easier and helpful. After a while, they will collect a mount of modules can be used immediately and for the next task.

Todays, internet is developing so fast, so there are many websites which programmers can contribute their modules for community totally free. With application developers, these open library is really a golden mine. There is always a website including code sample which is suitable with a specific language. So don't worry if you are learning C, C++, C#...

These are some websites providing the best sample code for programmers.


9 sample source code for all programmers 01 is an online resource website for all programmers and languages. This site includes information, tips, forum about C++, Delphi, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Visual Basic and so on. You can find out many value information in this website.
Besides, this site also provide articles, files and news for all languages above. It has a huge of information, so Programmersheaven is the biggest community site in this time. If you cannot find the sample code you need, just create a topic on forum, you will see the result promptly.


9 sample source code for all programmers 02
SourceForge is considering as an important open resource for online programmers. If you want to review sample code or learn how to use it, this is the perfect way to research.
From homepage, you just need to choose Find Software and then choose Development, from that, you can open a huge world  including so many open resources for projects.
Currently, there are more than 54000 lists of software development on this site. if you find an attractive program, you can join to build it with the others. These programming projects are always deployed by experts in this sector.

3. CodeGuru

9 sample source code for all programmers 03
CodeGuru is also the good site for programmers. This website is mainly about Visual C++/C++, .Net/C# and Visual Basic. Although there are not many different languages, content is extremely adequate compared to the other forums. CodeGuru will help you to practice and be an expert in some skills in work.
All articles in this site have illustrated for reader to understand easily.

4. The Code Project

9 sample source code for all programmers 04
CodeProject is a programming community. This website includes many free articles, and the editors are programmers (not copywriters). So almost content has written and explained clearly with sample code.
Experts said that CodeProject is a good community to connect programmers who have the same hobbies. Besides, you totally can write some articles for this site.

5.  DevX

9 sample source code for all programmers 05
DevX is truly a heaven for programmers. It is a huge information gate including many popular topics, such as: Java, C++, Visual Basic, mobile programming...
If you have a look at the left menu bar, you will see DevX umbrella portal, this is the sector of Visual Basic projects needed to do, you can use it to find a good project to do.

6. Planet Source Code

9 sample source code for all programmers 06
Planet-Source-Code is a hateful website, however, you have to like it. Its design is so bad with tiny listing and advertising everywhere. But when you know where to click, you will find the giant coding library. Look at on the right corner, you will see “To start, just choose" and then choose the language you want to learn. This page includes almost main language at this time. The next page will show you the sample code to choose suitable one.
Almost language here has search filter option, as you can see, each category has thousands lines of code uploaded on this site.

7. GNU and free software

9 sample source code for all programmers 07
If open source is your passion, you shouldn't ignore Free Software Directory. This link will connect directly to homepage of GNU. This directory is just a interesting section among the forest of free software on this site, such as: audio, vide, database, email, games, graphics, internet apps...

8. Google Code

9 sample source code for all programmers 08
Google has join open source community with Google code. A website allows programmers to see the sample code for website like browser apps, website ads, and product APIs and even social networking apps.
Google uses the standard formats, clear and easy to watch. It's not difficult to find the suitable open source to use.

9. DevArticles

DevArticles is one of website providing the best sample code. The list of current software is quite impressive: Flash, embedded tools and Linux. There are a lot of articles with fully specification.
So, you have all necessary sample code source. These open sources is so good for any programmers who want to study deeper about their programming language.

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Top 10 Internet of Things (IoT) Programming Languages
7 Hottest Information Technology Skills in 2016
10 Programming Languages Programmers should learn in 2016

Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 12, 2015

Top 10 Internet of Things (IoT) Programming Languages

Internet of things (IoT) trends has a huge attraction with the technology world. People will have interesting experiences when objects and physical devices have abilities to connect each other and brings the huge benefits. With any IoT projects, choosing the hardware is always so difficult, software either. In this article, we will introduce you the most 10 popular programming language when you do a IoT project.

1. What is Internet of Things (IoT)

Simply, we can understand that "Internet of things" is all devices which can connect each other via internet. The devices can be smartphone, washing machine, headphone, lamp, and so on. According to the famous consultation agencies: up to 2020, there will be about 26 billion devices can be connected, even more than that. IoT is the huge network that can connect everything including human and this will exist in the relationships between human and human, human and devices, devices and devices.

2. Top 10 Internet of Things (IoT) Programming Languages

C language

Language C is a popular programming language. Nowadays, it is still dominant among programming languages. It's the first function is used in programming C to switch telephone exchange. Besides, C also used in almost modern embedded systems.
If you are a programmer, we think that you should have a little bit about C. It is not hard for the beginner, so don't hesitate, it's time to work with C. The reason why C is not popular in IoT is that it doesn't support GUI very well.
However, C is still a heavyweight candidate for IoT programming.


The fact that C++ is developed from C. Specifically, classes, objects, abstract data are built from the core library C, this makes C++ become the preferred language in IoT programming, especially in the Linux system. And now, the C++ language is becoming stronger in embedded programming.


It seems that Python is not suitable for IoT projects. However, in the recent years, Python is becoming the popular language in embedded programming. Python is well known for developing web applications. However, todays, it is one of the good choice for IoT projects. In programmers' opinion, Python is the easy language to understand and use.  With Python, we can program any IoT applications and it is really the brightest candidates for IoT programming projects.


It's easy for us to manage and control hardware with C or C++. A system is programmed by C or C++ has a high performance. But  but two languages depends on the specific hardware device. So how do these two languages not depend on the specific hardware devices? Java is the best answer for this question. Java compiler supports multiple hardware platforms and the ability to compile programs that run on multiple platforms. In the IoT project needs to support multiple platforms, the Java programming language is a good choice.


Java and JavaScript doesn't have any relations although their name is similar somehow. JavaScript is the scripting language, it is used in Web applications. If the IoT projects use web applications to perform data collected from the devices, Javascript  is a good choice for application builder.


Go is an embedded language developed by Google. It has many similarities with the C language. However, Go is stronger than C. The important feature of Go is that Go allows devices can work together to send and receive data simultaneously in many channels. However, it still maintain a disadvantage which is the high possibility of errors or data loss if programmers do not manage well when programming.


Rust developed by Mozilla is an open source language. Rust is consider as a copy of Go, however, Rust can  fix the biggest drawback of Go that is the ability to share information among the different channels automatically. Rust built functions to support this problem and turn it into popular programming languages IoT in concurrent programming. However, to use Rust, the processor needs to support concurrent processing.


If we look for a language for IoT applications supporting parallel processing, Parasail is also a good choice. Before we start programming IoT applications, we have to understand the differences between parallel and concurrent processors. We can see that syntax of parasail like Java, C # or Python. If IoT applications require parallel processing, Parasail is the most suitable one.


The programming languages above usually use for large system. B# language is developed for small applications. We can use this language on many platforms using the embedded virtual machine (EVM) which supports B#. EVM is just small memory 24k for embedded application. If we plan to develop the simple IoT application, B# is the best choice.

Assembler (Assembly)

Assembler is the great choice if you want to keep the compact applications. Assembler is a low-level programming language (metadata) that help applications are minimalist and optimal. However, in IoT applications we have enough resources (processor, memory, ...). You should choose the modern programming languages above because these languages have many tools to support Assembler .

Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 12, 2015

10 Programming Languages Programmers should learn in 2016

Software technology sector is growing rapidly in recent years. If you have used a smart phone (smartphone) or log on to a computer at least once in the past few years, you may recognize this.
So, programming skills are so crucial, and the work involved in programming are often better paid than the average salary of other carriers. In the tech world, the more you know a programming language, the more employer appreciate you.
There are so many programming language in the different sectors. Financial systems and enterprises have to deal with many complex functions, so they need programmers know programming languages like: Java, C#. With entertainment media, website design and software, they need flexible language, less code such as: Ruby, PHP, JavaScript và Objective-C.

1. Java

Ngôn ngữ Java
Java is one the most wanted programming languages. It's the standard for businesses' software, websites, games, mobile applications, and Android operating system. Java is created to work on many foundations, this means that an application is written on Mac OS X also can work on Windows.

2. C

Ngôn ngữ C
C is versatile programming language. It was developed from early of 1970s. It also is the oldest and most popular language. The C language supplies the basic functions to support the other popular programming languages, suc as: C#, Java, JavaScript and Python. C is almost used to build operating systems and embed applications
So, it's better if you learn C (or C++) before learning another language.

3. C++

Ngôn ngữ C++
C++ is built to expand C language at the beginning time. C++ is to build the famous softwares like Firefox, Winamp and Adobe. It's usually used to build system softwares, application softwares, client-server applications model requiring high processing capabilities and video games

4. C#

Ngôn ngữ C#
C # (C-sharp)  is developed by Microsoft as part of their original library - .NET. Combining the principles from C and C ++, C # becomes a versatile language. It is used to develop softwares which run on Window operating system (Microsoft technology)

5. Objective-C

Ngôn ngữ Objective-C
Objective-C is a versatile programming language and object-oriented. It is used by the Apple operating system. Objective-C creates the power for operating systems such as Apple OS X and iOS, as well as the application programming interface (APIs) other, and it can be used to write applications for iPhone. Currently there is a huge recruitment demand of this language which is considered  as an "out-of-date" programming language.

6. PHP

Ngôn ngữ PHP
PHP (Hypertext Processor) is a free scripting language that runs on a server. It is created to develop dynamic web pages and applications on the web. It can be embedded to mix into HTML code directly rather than the other file. This is the reason why PHP is so popular in the world of website programming. Currently, PHP has been used for more than 200 million  websites including Wordpress, Digg and Facebook.

7. Python

Ngôn ngữ Python
Python is a high level scripting language that runs on server environmentally to develop websites and applications for mobile devices. It's considered as a clear and easy language to learn for beginners because of the short, easy understanding syntax. That means programmers can write a few lines of code to execute a function rather than using other languages. Python is used to build the popular websites, such as: Instagram, Pinterest and Rdio via framwork combined with Django. It's also used by Google, Yahoo and NASA.

8. Ruby

Ngôn ngữ Ruby
Ruby is a dynamic scripting language and object-oriented development for web pages and applications for mobile devices. It is used to build the famous framework: Ruby on Rails (Rails). This framework is to build web pages, such as: Scribd, Github, Groupon and Shopify. Like  Python language, Ruby is considered as the language with clear syntax and so suitable for the beginners.

9. JavaScript

Ngôn ngữ JavaScript
JavaScript is a scripting language that runs on the client. It is developed by Netscape, and has syntax stems from Clanguage. It can run on a wide variety of different browsers and is considered as an important essential factor to develop interactive features and the effect on the web. In additional, it can also be used to develop games and applications on the desktop. Currently, JavaScript interpreter is embedded in the Google Chrome browser's extensions, Apple's Safari browser, Adobe Acrobat and Reader and Adobe's Creative Suite.

10. SQL

Ngôn ngữ SQL
SQL (Structured Query Language) i a special language. It is to manage data in relational database management system. It's almost used for "query" function, this means to search information in database. SQL has been standardized by ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in 1980.
Make a plan to learn some languages in next year to enhance yourself ;)
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Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 12, 2015

7 Hottest Information Technology Skills in 2016

Technology is changing so fast and many programming languages created, data is more and more complex and of course it lead to have to improve the solution and mobile technology. To enhance carrier, programmers must update the newest trends and find the solution everyday. These are 7 Hottest Information Technology Skills in 2016 programmers should know.

1. Big data and Cloud Computing

Todays, the world is booming with a large amount of data growing rapidly through the use of social media and data streams. So the new term is created: Big Data. Big Data is a collection of structured and unstructured data we can not store under the traditional method. Big Data is essential for businesses because information is a key factor when a company makes important decisions. Therefore, the companies need more people having the ability to collect and analyze complex data. Cloud computing has become popular with many companies investing in cloud technology and security.
7 Hottest Information Technology Skills in 2016 01
According to Gartner the level of use of cloud computing is increasing and in 2016 this development will become a big hit in IT. In 2016 will be a year of shaping the cloud because nearly half of enterprises will deploy hybrid cloud before 2017. The development of cloud data means increased demand for skilled cloud labor or management architecture

2. Business Intelligence & Analytics

Businesses are still looking for new ways to analyse the huge of raw data to find and develop strategy business opportunities in the future.It can bring benefits competitive market for business and stability for companies in the future.
So people having experience in BI, SQL, SAS and Analytics will be sought when the company need to analyze the data.
7 Hottest Information Technology Skills in 2016 02

3. Mobile Application Development

With the rapid development of smartphones and mobile applications in communication and work, mobile developers are being sought by many companies.
The programming language for mobile, such as C ++ and Java are still significant. However, Apple has launched a new programming language, Swift Apple, for Apple iOS and iOS watches which is one valuable skill to develop  new application .
7 Hottest Information Technology Skills in 2016 03
Besides, a significant part is application development technology Hybrid. It is a combination of web and native technologies. According to a Gartner research, in 2016, 50% of phone applications can be Hybrid. This will create a new benchmark.

4. Digital Marketing & Social Media

The popularity of social networks Facebook, Twitter or blog has forced the company to use this tool to advertise. Therefore, the SEO and PPC skills is the keys to develop marketing in the business.
In addition, other online marketing channels (such as display marketing: graphic design and banner ads to place in various sites as well as in gaming applications on the phone. Another method is also quite important in marketing is email marketing. Enterprises not only requires creativity in creating the content, but also requires analytical skills to test and evaluate the results of email marketing campaigns.
7 Hottest Information Technology Skills in 2016 04

5. Front End Development

Front end development skills are becoming a valuable asset with the improvements in HTML, CSS and Javascript. HTML5 is replacing Flash on popular websites like Youtube and Facebook. Another example is the  ascending  popularity of SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) is gradually asserted superiority over any extended CSS language.
7 Hottest Information Technology Skills in 2016 05

6. Cyber Security

Recently, the database is threaten because of security vulnerabilities. Therefore, businesses have put the protection of sensitive data on the top. So, companies are looking for a team of network security to help them protect their data, customers as well as the organization's reputation. Enterprises require experts to make sure that their security systems are not broken.
7 Hottest Information Technology Skills in 2016 06
According to a research of ISC 2 organization, currently United Kingdom is lack of security skilled people. So the average of salary for this job is about  £63,000/year. The result of demand exceeds supply.

7. Network and Infrastructure

The company still looking for effective methods to improve network infrastructure. The experts and network administrators can support and maintain storage and security systems in order to enhance the flexibility and overall operation. The types of skills being sought are a network administrator, analytical ability and critical thinking as well as experience in systems management, data warehouse managerment and Cisco CNNA.
7 Hottest Information Technology Skills in 2016 07
Mobile networks is also an important infrastructure needs in connection with its global network users. With the development and expansion of 4G technology and skills to maintain and provide a consistent quality of the mobile network connection is extremely necessary as there are more and more users use mobile.

Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 12, 2015

8 Free Charming WordPress Plugins for Christmas Holiday

WordPress has many adorable plugins, especially for Christmas. Let celebrate the most important holiday in year with 8 free charming WordPress Plugins for Christmas Holiday.

1. Xmas Decoration

8 Free Funny WordPress Plugins for Christmas Holiday 01

To have a new look for your website, you don’t need to customise layout or adjust code to have another attractive effect. Activate this plugin and use it for your site. Your website will be perfect to welcome Christmas.

2. Christmas Music

8 Free Funny WordPress Plugins for Christmas Holiday 02
Being lack of Christmas music is a big mistake. Let create a button in the right bottom corner to play your Xmas music list and enjoy holiday atmosphere.

3. WP Snow Effect

8 Free Funny WordPress Plugins for Christmas Holiday 03
This Christmas plugin uses jSnow JQuery plugin (2kb only) to display the falling snow effect. It’s time for winter and romantic sleets.

4. WFS Let It Snow

8 Free Funny WordPress Plugins for Christmas Holiday 04
The effect from this plugin is like WP Snow Effect. However, it doesn’t require the use of any shortcodes or widgets. Simply head for Settings > WFS Let It Snow and configure your snow flurry!

5. Happy Snowman

8 Free Funny WordPress Plugins for Christmas Holiday 05
You must hear about Frozen movie and the cute Snow man in this movie. It’s so great if this happy snowman can appear in your site, rite? Fortunately, you can have it quickly with Happy Snowman plugin

6. Big Snow Flakes

8 Free Funny WordPress Plugins for Christmas Holiday 06
Christmas is coming, so let your customer fall in love with nice snowflakes and seasonal design without rebuild the site by this amazing plugin.

7. Christmas Ball on Branch

8 Free Funny WordPress Plugins for Christmas Holiday 07
Let surprise your customers with the nice looking animated “Christmas Ball on Branch” image to the top right corner of your WP site and enjoy Christmas season.

8. Christmas Lights

8 Free Funny WordPress Plugins for Christmas Holiday 08
Let your site be bright with nice looking animated Christmas lights to the top of your WP site by this Christmas Light WordPress plugin
They all have been updated for few weeks ago, you will have effective support if you download one of them. So don’t hesitate to take one
And Merry Christmas :)

How to Fix Fatal Error: Maximum Execution Time Exceeded in WordPress

Some people aren’t able to update their WordPress theme due to the Fatal Error. Fixing this error is quite simple, but it can be really frustrating for beginners. In this article, we will guide you how to fix fatal error: maximum execution time exceeded in WordPress.
How to Fix Fatal Error: Maximum Execution Time Exceeded in WordPress 01

Why Maximum Execution Time Exceeded Error Occurs?

WordPress is coded mainly in PHP programming language. To protect web servers from abuse, there is a time limit set for how long a PHP script can run. Some WordPress hosting providers have set this value to a higher level while others may have set it to a lower level. When a script reaches the maximum execution time limit, it results into maximum execution time exceeded error.

Fixing Maximum Execution Time Exceeded Error

There are two ways you can fix this error. The first method is to fix it manually by editing your .htaccess file and the second method allows you to do the same thing with a plugin.
There are 2 way to solve this error:

1. Editing .htaccess File Manually

Simply connect to your website using an FTP client.
Your .htaccess file is located in the same folder as your /wp-content/ and /wp-admin/ folders. If you can’t find it, then look at an article why you can’t find the .htaccess file and how to find it.
Next, add this line to your .htaccess file:
1php_value max_execution_time 300
This code simply sets the value for maximum execution time to 300 seconds (5 minutes). If you still get the error, then try increasing the value to 600.
If you found this method easier, then check out these most useful .htaccess tricks for WordPress.

2. Using a Plugin

If you don’t wish to edit .htaccess file manually, then you can install and activate theWP Maximum Execution Time Exceeded plugin.
That’s all. The plugin works out of the box and increases the maximum execution time to 300 seconds.
We hope this article can help you fix fatal error: maximum execution time exceeded in WordPress. If this article is helpful, please subscribe and find us on Facebook or Twitter

WooCommerce - Beta 3. A Potential New WooCommerce version

After 3 months, the WooCommerce team has released the Beta 3 version of WooCommerce. There are some extremely cool features in this version. Let see what they are

First of all, this is the video to introduce Beta 3 version

And these are some changes versus Beta 2
  • Refactored our add-ons screen so it can be extended by add-ons.
  • Made some small changes to widgets API to be extended by add-ons.
  • Added a get_id() method for products.
  • Fixed some conflicts with PHP7.
  • Additional hooks for order line items.
  • Round discount totals to avoid issues with floats.
  • Various API and CLI tweaks/improvements.
  • Improved the usefulness of the wc_get_template_part filter.
  • Fixed some currency code.
They also decided to remove the ‘dropdown’ view of shipping options in the cart. This was so they could have a hook after each shipping method to add additional options or text if an addon wanted to display something there. Dropdowns restrict this ability and would mean maintaining two completely different sets of code to cater for each.
The full list of commits since beta 2 here.

Final tests

What? They haven’t tested beta yet?
Everything is proceeding as they have foreseen, so the Release Candidate is still planned for Jan 4th–8th 2016 so long as they stay on target. Developers please test your code before then. Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.
If you want to try this version, we think you should use a development site, since there may be undiscovered bugs.

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 12, 2015

Amazing Wordpress Themes for 2015 Christmas - Free and Premium Themes

To day is the era of Wordpress, because of it's Great Benefits Of Using WordPress To Boost Your Own Business. There are so many people use it for their website, even the American Presidential Candidates also Use WordPress As A Tool For The 2016 Election.
Christmas time is closer and closer, let's some Amazing Wordpress Themes help you bring the holiday's atmosphere to you, to your customers and your great site.

1. Christmas WordPress Theme

Amazing Wordpress Themes for 2015 Christmas - Free and Premium Themes 01

This is totally free for this theme. However, If you want to have sponsor link you should buy the standard one with $29. And if you want more, to use it for your client, you have to buy the developer version with $39.

2. Christmas WP Blog Theme

Amazing Wordpress Themes for 2015 Christmas - Free and Premium Themes 02

This theme is Premium one, you just have to pay $39 to have a great Wordpress theme to celebrate the most important holiday in year.

3. Onepage WP Christmas Theme

Amazing Wordpress Themes for 2015 Christmas - Free and Premium Themes 03

With $29, you will possess this pretty Christmas theme. If you are onepage lover, this theme is extremely perfect for you.

5. Christmas theme of Site5 for free

Amazing Wordpress Themes for 2015 Christmas - Free and Premium Themes 04

Although it's free, you still have many options to customise your site.